Anti-Poverty Week

13 - 19 Oct 2025

There are a million reasons why someone can end up living below the poverty line, but there are only a few reasons they stay there.

Anti-Poverty Week is a national initiative aiming to focus attention to this issue and call for action on ending the injustice of poverty in Australia. During the week of 13-19 October 2025, communities across the country will unite to take a stand against poverty.

The ACOSS/UNSW Poverty in Australia 2023 report found there are more than 3.32 million people (or 13.4% of the population) living below the poverty line, including 761,000 children. Many of those affected live in deep poverty – on average the ‘poverty gap’ (the difference between the incomes of people in poverty in various types of families and the poverty line) was $304 a week.

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