Our commitment to consumers and carers. 

When you come to Uniting, we become partners, and you are at the centre of what we do. 

Our commitment to you 

Consumer Handbook.

The Consumer Handbook tells you about your rights and responsibilities when using Uniting services. You will receive this handbook when you start services or at service review. You can also download a copy. 

The handbook and our website contain key information about: 

The consumer handbook is available in an easy read format for people with cognitive disabilities, learning difficulties, and those for whom English is a second language. The read aloud version is tailored for software used by people who are legally blind or have low vision.

Your rights and responsibilities

Your rights

As a Uniting consumer, you have the right to:

We commit to helping you understand your rights and responsibilities. 

Your responsibilities

As a Uniting consumer, it is your responsibility to:

If you cannot meet these commitments, we may not be able to offer you our services and programs.  

Keeping you safe

The safety and wellbeing of all people we work with is important to us. That includes being physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically safe.

Uniting works hard to keep all people we work with safe from harm and protected from abuse. We aim to provide trauma-informed services and care environments.

We provide safe workspaces and make sure we have good safety practices and systems in place.

If you have any concerns about your safety or wellbeing, or should ever feel unsafe, please let us know.

How we prevent harm and manage incidents

An incident is when someone is harmed or could have been harmed (also known as a near miss).  

Harm can be anything that causes you damage or injury including physical, emotional, or psychological damage. 

Uniting has strong systems to prevent harm to you and others. We report and investigate incidents, and we act when things have gone wrong.  

We want to know as soon as possible if you know about an incident that involves Uniting. You can: 

Uniting Vic.Tas

We’re here for you

Our staff are ready to answer your questions.

Call us on
(03) 9192 8100