New pop-up mental health services in Melbourne’s south, south east and western Victoria


September 16, 2021

Uniting Vic.Tas welcomes the Victorian Government’s announcement of $13.3 million for 20 pop-up mental health services which will help address the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 pandemic across the state.

We will be partnering with Ballarat Health and Monash Health to deliver the fast-tracked, tailored mental health care and support to people who need it the most across Western Victoria and the Wimmera and across south and south-eastern Melbourne.

Uniting Vic.Tas CEO Bronwyn Pike said the pop-up services will be staffed by trained clinicians and would open in the coming weeks with a dedicated triage and referral hotline and website for people to book appointments.

“We know how much of an impact the last 18 months have had on people’s mental health, how many people are really struggling,” Ms Pike said.

“There’s no doubt lockdowns and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the sense of loneliness, isolation and disconnection for some people.

“These pop-up services will allow people to access all-important mental health care and support close to home.

“With Ballarat Health we’ll be delivering support to communities right across Western Victoria and the Wimmera including Moorabool, Hepburn, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Ararat, Pyrenees, Northern Grampians, Horsham, Hindmarsh, West Wimmera and Yarrambiack.

“In Melbourne’s south and south-eastern suburbs, we’ll be working with EACH to provide for communities across Dandenong, Casey, Cardinia, Frankston, Kingston, Bayside, Monash and Glen Eira.

“Around 1 in 5 people will experience an issue with their mental health at some point in their lives and if it’s not yourself, it might be a family member or a friend. It doesn’t discriminate, so we’re pleased these centres will be able to provide that all important support.”

Find out more about Uniting Mental Health services

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