Our missional framework guides our work.
The theological foundations of our work are outlined in our missional framework.
Our Mission
Our Missional Framework
The Gospels reveal Christ as one who invites people into a Spirit-inspired movement to transform the world into a place of justice and reconciliation for all. Jesus takes up Isaiah 61:1-2 as his understanding of the mission of God, missio Dei, –
The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
Because he has anointed me
To preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
And recovery of sight for the blind,
To release the oppressed,
To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour."(Luke 4:18-19; Isaiah 61:1,2)
The basis of our Missional Framework
The Uniting Church bases its mission in God, whose being is made known in the fullness of community. The Basis of Union describes this breathtaking goal of God’s mission as “reconciliation and renewal…for the whole creation.”
The never-ending love of God and God’s desire for peace and reconciliation is embodied, Christians believe, in the life and mission of Jesus. Jesus taught that our response to God is expressed as we respond to the command to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. In short it’s a commitment that all people might have ‘life in all its fullness (John 10:10). Jesus’ call to the church is to continue that mission. (John 20:21-22) The church is to be a sign of that ultimate reconciliation and renewal by its actions now, to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, care for the sick and imprisoned, let the oppressed go free and stand in solidarity with the poor and oppressed (Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 4:18-19).
Our Missional Principles
Our 8 Missional Principles, drawn from our church’s foundational beliefs, form the basis of our response to Christ’s invitation to serve humanity:
Inspiring people so that everyone is valued, particularly those most excluded.
- The dignity of the human person
- The needs of the whole person
- Social and economic inclusion
Enliven communities so that all people contribute and have life giving relationships
- Community wellbeing
- Unity
Confront injustice to ensure all people are included as they are and have ‘life to the full'
- The promotion of human rights
- Reconciliation
- Solidarity
These principles are evident in our work each day.