Alcohol and other drug services
Family services

Support for the whole family.

Alcohol and other drug (AOD) use rarely impacts just the individual – it affects the whole family.

Family services

Family support for AOD challenges.

Alcohol and other drug use can strain relationships, increase social isolation and harm families’ resilience.

Our family services provide brief and longer-term support for family members and significant others, including parents, grandparents, carers, children, partners, couples, or any person who identifies that the substance use of another person is impacting them.

We can help you work through issues including relationship stress, social isolation, physical and emotional strain and financial security.

Alongside our longer-term family counselling support, our Single Session Counselling Model provides people with an opportunity to gain information, get advice and seek support without committing to ongoing counselling.

Smalltalk supported playgroups

Uniting offers family playgroups for parents and carers to meet weekly with their babies and young children. This supported playgroup provides a safe space for parents wanting to connect with their children utilising the Smalltalk program model.

Referral to other community services can also be accessed, in line with the individual’s goals.

Available in Coburg, Keon Park and Heidelberg West. Please call 03 9480 6800 for more information.

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Uniting Vic.Tas

We’re here for you.

To find out more about our AOD family services, call our intake team today. 

Call us on
1800 700 514

For a free interpreter for a different language please call 1800 316 934.