Employment Services
Australian Disability Enterprise

Business that boosts community.

Develop your skills and discover new opportunities. Achieve your goals with Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) and Uniting.

Australian Disability Enterprises​

Working in your community.​

What is an ADE?

ADE’s are Australian ‘social enterprises’: businesses with a special purpose.

Disability Enterprises are even more specialised. An ADE’s goal is to provide training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

This kind of social enterprise business not only boosts the economy, but helps local communities flourish and thrive.

With Uniting, you can find a job that strengthens your skills – and your community.

Check out our Australian Disability Enterprises in Lilydale, Victoria and Hobart, Tasmania or talk to us about your ideal job.

Why work at an ADE?

ADEs are special places to work.

Being employed by a not-for-profit business means you’re contributing to your community in a meaningful way. It can also create opportunities for personal growth.

Your ADE job can give you:

Enjoy work that focuses on your abilities with training that builds your skills.


Feel more independent with real work experience and a regular pay cheque.

New friends

Expand your social circle and work within a team to build your people skills.


Work happily, safely and successfully, knowing you'll have regular check-in meetings with support staff.

A job you'll love

Work in a job that makes a real difference - and get paid for it too.

Get in touch

Enjoy meaningful work that makes a difference.

Talk to our Disability Employment Services team today.

Call us on
1300 090 989