Family Services
Wellbeing and Counselling

Helping children and young people to thrive.

We offer a safe and supportive space for all children and young people to work through their worries.

Wellbeing and counselling services

Helping children and young people overcome life's challenges.

We offer wellbeing and counselling services for children and young people going through personal or family challenges. We can help with counselling, mentoring, life skills development and goal setting for the future.

Our counselling services can help with:

One on one

If you would like support to work toward a safe and secure future, our counselling program offers you a safe environment where you can talk freely about your experiences. We can also help you with the ongoing effects of violence on adults and children. Our counsellors can help you connect to the crisis services you may need.

Group work

Engaging with others through parenting groups and sharing common issues with other parents can help to build social networks and reduce isolation. Parent education courses provide practical knowledge and skills development to address the challenges of parenting. 

We also offer a range of Family and Youth Support Services.

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Get in touch

We’re here for you.

Get in touch to find out how our family services can support you. 

Call us on
(03) 9192 8100