b'Uniting to helpGiving the gift of hope Putting the funIn July last year, Unitings Emergency Relief (ER)in fundraisingservice in Kangaroo Flat was devastated by fire,There are so many ways you can get involved in rendering the building unfit for purpose. Many people in need critical supplies such as food, clothing, blanketsour fundraising activitiesand have some fun and other essential items were destroyed. along the way.We lost a lot of valuable items and donatedWe have opportunities for individuals, schools, goods during the fire, said Emergency Reliefcongregations, workplaces and community Team Leader, Fiona. groups to come together and support our work.The Uniting ER service supports hundreds ofCommunity fundraising plays a vital role in local families in the area and staff knew theyensuring we can support everyone who comes had to act quickly to get the centre up andthrough the doors of our services. Every dollar Thanks to our generous supporters, we were able to reach people running again.raised helps us provide support where its in their time of need. Luckily, not long after this tragedy occurred needed most. the team received a bequest. Fiona says this For over a decade, the Uniting East Burwood Fortuitously she crossed paths with Uniting andgift was crucial in supporting the service to Volunteer Group, also known as the Sizzlers, has There are many ways our supporters was supported into our Marrageil Baggarrookget back on its feet.been organising sausage sizzles along with other got involved in our fundraising activities,service. This program offers women who havesmall fundraisers. from hosting events to signing up forexperienced family violence and are at risk ofThis bequest has allowed us to continue In this time, they have raised more than $20,000 the regular giving program. Communityhomelessness a safe haven while they set aboutto provide people with medication, blankets,to contribute to Unitings work.groups, congregations, schools, workplaces,securing a long-term home.clothing,petrol vouchers and food, she said.families and individuals all came together We were also able to buy a nebulizer for Weve done a few fundraisers over the years, to support our work. Women also receive help with finances, mentala mother with a sick baby.says volunteer, Ron.health, food relief, employment coaching andPetrol vouchers are greatly needed too soOne of the first fundraising initiatives was Their efforts helped local communities other support services.collecting and selling aluminium cans. Thento thrive and people move from crisis Nancys story highlights the many barriersfamilies can take their children to school or we moved to the Bunnings sausage sizzle.to stability. to the hospital. Its harder in rural areas duewomen face when escaping violence and theto the longer distance required to travel.Its very rewarding to know the money is wrap around support needed to stand on theirThe service is currently operating out of the helping people in the local community.Christmas andown two feet again. Y Service Club but hopes to move back to Its also a good way for our volunteers toToday, with Unitings support, Nancys life looks Winter Appeals drastically different to what it did merely 12their original site around Christmas time.come together, socialise and have a laugh.This year our Christmas and Winter Appealsmonths ago. Once on the edge of crisis, she isWe are most grateful for bequests. Times were marked by the kindness, generosity andnow living in her own apartment and completingare really hard for people and their families compassion of our supporters. We raised overa degree in data analysis. especially with the rising cost of living. Every$1 million for Uniting services to use where it isbit of support helps, said Fiona.needed most. Even the smallest donation canServices like Marrageil Baggarrook are only ableLeaving a bequest or gift in your Will allows usmake a significant difference in helping those to support people, like Nancy, because of theto plan for the future and can be instrumentalgenerosity of our supporters.who are vulnerable. * in keeping our vital services running.This is a true story about real people. Some details suchAs cost-of-living pressures continue to burdenas names have been changed to respect the wishes of themany, a single, sudden accident, illness or eventpeople featured. Find out morecan plunge a family into crisis.Our appeals aim to showcase how simply extending a helping hand can transform someones life circumstances. One story we shared was that of Nancy * .Nancy had bravely left a violent marriagebut then found herself alone as a newmigrant in Australia.46 Uniting Vic.Tas and Uniting Housing Annual Report Uniting Vic.Tas and Uniting Housing Annual Report 47'