b'Advocating for safe and strong families.The New Parents Infant Network (NEWPIN)is a Uniting Program supporting families through social disadvantage, family violence, isolation, mental health and low-self-esteem in Victoriaand Tasmania.The program aims to break the cycle of abuse and neglect for parents, while building strong and healthy relationships within families.NEWPINs programs are centered around individual family needs but focus on the five core values: safety, respect, empathy, equality and self-determination.Leanne, Team Leader in Northern Tasmania,explains that many parents within the program have not been brought up with a positive parenting experience themselves.They dont know what a good enough parent would do. And theyre doing the best with what theyve got Handcrafted with love. and sometimes they havent got a lot to do it with, she says.Uniting run several social enterprisesHobart Family Services Worker, Lou, adds, Its really including Fire & Clay in Lilydale whichhard for parents to be engaged with their child if is a pottery studio employing over 18they cant get their basic needs met. Its hard to think adults living with a disability. about creating a routine.The talented team handcraft clay to makeFinancial support from donors allows NEWPIN to pottery and ceramic products to their ownrelieve some of the stress parents may be facing design which they fire in their own kilns.paying bills, feeding their children, affording school Among the products are personalisedsupplies or even escaping violence. This gives them dog bowls, Christmas decorations and thethe space to focus on developing their parental skills popular herbs sticks, which you may haveand being actively involved in their childrens lives spotted at Victorian zoos, the Melbournerather than worrying about simply getting by.International Flower and Garden ShowLeanne says, Donations are always appreciated. and Uniting Op Shops. Some families come to us in crisis, struggling to The programs coordinator, Mia, explainssimply put food on the table. Any support we receive that many of the staff share how Fire &can make a huge difference to their lives.Clay is their reason for getting out of bed every morning.They say its just the most rewardingGift inplace, they love it, she says.The team have just received new kilnsWills.however, theyre still working on old,How would you like to be remembered? By secondhand equipment including chairs,leaving Uniting a Gift in your Will, we can tables and shelving. continue running programs like NEWPIN and Mia says, We are building up our retailFire & Clay. For more information about how you offer and we hope more people will buycan leave a Gift in your Will or become a regular from our markets and other outlets andsupporter, please get in touch with our team.our instore showroom. Or donate furnitureT1800 668 426 or funds to keep this place going.
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