b'Uniting Housing Survey ResultsA big thanks to everyone who took part in our renter survey in May we had a return rate of nearly 60 percent and some great feedback.A big thanks to everyone who took part in ourwe were delighted to hear about the positive renter survey in Maywe had a return rate ofimpact that your homes have had on your life. nearly 60 percent and some great feedback.We do recognise that have some areas where An amazing 315 renters responded to the we can improve. Over 70% of respondents were survey, which is over 58%! We appreciate thesatisfied with the quality of maintenance. We time you took to share your feedback with us. have taken on this feedback and will strive to It helps us improve and provide a better improve our service to you. So, again, thank you.service to our renters.Please let us know if you have had any issues Over 79% of you were satisfied with Unitingsaccessing this recent survey, or any other material housing services, and more than 71% ofwe send you. We want to make sure everyone has respondents felt renters views are taken intoan opportunity to share their feedback. consideration by Uniting.[RESULTS]Please contact Unitings Housing Services team.We asked some additional questions toT (03) 9192 8100understand what your home means to you, andE
[email protected] 81%of respondents feel connected to their community and the services they need.Over 83%Over 85% Over 70%of respondents sayof respondentstheir home has helpedof respondents feelare satisfied within the improvement oftheir home is a safethe quality of their well-being. environment. maintenance.3 Home Connect Newsletter Spring 2023'