b"Our people Employee to volunteerThrough a 37-year career at Tadpac, Bruce met his wife and found his voice for disability activism.People are at the heart of everything we do at Uniting. Our employeesOver a game of table tennis, a friend recommendedand volunteers strive to achieve the best outcomes for the individuals,Bruce apply for a job at Tadpac. Established in 1965by a group of people living with disabilities, Tadpac isfamilies and communities we work alongside. a Uniting owned printing service based in Tasmania.Bruce, who has used a wheelchair since birth, started Recognition Awardsthe Marrageil Baggarrook Program (Mitcham);at reception and eventually worked his way up into a Emma Forehan, Foster Care Case Manager supervisor role. Decades later, when his health beganOur Recognition Awards celebrate ourthe Home Based Care Program (Dandenong);to decline, Bruce could no longer manage full-timeextraordinary people who make an impactJacqueline Freeman, Administrative Supporthours, but with lots more to give, he returned toperforming above and beyond in ways that inspireOfficerLifeline (Prahran); Jeremey Gunning,Tadpac as a volunteer.outstanding behaviour. These awards showcasePeer Support WorkerStreet to Home (Ballarat); and reward remarkable contributions that inspireDianne Hornsby, Team LeaderAlcohol and OtherVolunteering has helped Bruce keep his mind sharp and continue to mentor and advocateus, and further our purpose and values. Drugs Services (Horsham); Jestiner Manyere, Co- for others living with disabilities.chairthe Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Impact Award Working Group; Stacey Park, Team LeaderStreetI think words arent always as powerful as actions. When the employees with disabilities see that This award recognises people who have made ato Home (Ballarat); Renee Schiavella, Data andsomeone like me, in a wheelchair, can do this job and hold a management role it gives them hope.significant difference to our consumers, UnitingAdministrationSector Support (Coburg); AmieLooking back, playing table tennis was probably one of the smartest things I ever did becauseand our people.Turner, Team LeaderFamily Preservation andI got a job at Tadpac where I met my wife, reflects Bruce. Three individuals and three teams received thisReunification team (Reservoir); and Amy Wolter, award: Lee-Anne Harris-Walters, Team Leader Financial Counsellor (Broadmeadows).Parenting Skills and Development (Bridgewater);Consumer Partners AwardKatie Stevens, Senior Case WorkerStartingConsumer Partners are people who have accessedValues and diversityOut Program (Croydon); Beverly Troughton,our services and work meaningfully with Uniting, Family Wellbeing Practitionerthe Newpinfrom governance, workforce recruitment and Program (Croydon); The Communities for Childrentraining through to service design and delivery. Hume Team (Broadmeadows); The Preschool FieldAngela is inspired to be bold and speak up for people whoOfficer Yellow Lady Bugs Project Team (Frankston);This award recognises those who share their lived and The Street to Home Team (Ballarat). expertise with boldness and creativity to createdont have a voice.change and shape where we head together.Values Award This years award recipients were David Buller forWorking in the Escaping Violence Payment program This award recognises people who demonstratethe significant impact of his deep commitmenthas personal meaning for Angela. As a Community our values: Imaginative, Respectful,to social justice, advocacy and allyship to FirstEngagement Lead, she connects with organisations to Compassionate, and Bold. In so doing, they Nations people and marginalised communities.improve access to the program for multicultural and enable a safe, equitable and inclusive culture The Homelessness Advocacy and ReferenceLGBTIQA+ communities, people with disabilities, and at Uniting which supports the diverse andCommittee also received this award for their workpeople in remote or regional areas.vulnerable individuals and communities we serve. in challenging systems and advocating for betterAngela grew up in Australia in a migrant refugee community Fifteen individuals received this award: Debbieoutcomes for people experiencing rough sleeping. where family violence is the norm. Often, women dont AmyMental Health Worker, Street to Homeknow how to leave, and if they do, they are shunned from program (Ballarat); Kelly Ardonis, Service Leader their community.Pathways to Employment (Footscray); Lisa Bayliss,Unitings values inspire Angela to be bold in speaking up for people who don't have a voice.Family Services Practitionerthe Family Services team (Cranbourne); Liv Caine, ReceptionistI believe that when a person feels seen and heard, no matter what circumstances they areCommonwealth Home Support Programin, it can profoundly impact their life and sense of self-worth and help connect them to their (Ballarat); Chantel Churches, Advocacy Researchcommunity, she said.LeadAdvocacy & Public Policy (Melbourne);I feel strongly about diversity and the culture at Uniting. Each person here has their own journey Rebecca Dawson, Family Violence Case Managerthat has led here, to work together, to celebrate together, to respect and support one another, to speak boldly and fight injustice. And that's what I love.34 Uniting Vic.Tas and Uniting Housing Annual Report Uniting Vic.Tas and Uniting Housing Annual Report 35"