b"Chairs ReportCEOs ReportThese are times when people are increasingly concerned about Cost of living pressures are having a devastating impact, not only on their future. In times like these our work is needed more than ever. household budgets, but also on peoples mental health and wellbeing. Our guiding purpose is to inspire people, enliven communities andDue to the breadth and geographic spread of our services, we are in confront injustice, and with open hearts our teams make a difference a unique position to see systematic and interconnected impacts on to the lives of people across Victoria and Tasmania. individuals, families and communities.As I write from the Wurundjeri lands, closeWe farewelled John Clarke as our Director ofWe were pleased that funding for many of ourLeadership excellence is a core priority of to Darebin Creek which flows into the YarraMission and welcomed Jessica Hateley-Browneprograms was continued in State Budgets,Unitings People Strategy 2023-25 so that we River in Melbourne, Im reflecting on ourwho stepped down as Board member to take uphowever demand for our services has never beenhave the capability and ways of working to adapt reconciliation journey with our First Nationsthe role. Thank you to John for his many years ofhigher. So we are having to do more within a tightand respond in an evolving and complex social people. We successfully completed our Innovateservice and we wish him well. envelope. We continue to step up in our responseservices environment. During the year about 500 Reconciliation Action Plan and have taken furtherI want to acknowledge and express my gratitudeto this growing need, as we have across Victoriaof our leaders undertook the Ability to Execute steps towards our reconciliation vision. I lookto my fellow Board Directors for their vision,and Tasmania for over 100 years. Im so proud ofLead program, which is now run annually. forward to building on this progress in the yearscommitment and determination to the work ofthe work were doing to support those who needDeveloped by the McKinsey Academy, this ahead with our Stretch Reconciliation Plan that Uniting. Thank you to outgoing members Markus most.prestigious leadership course has been delivered is in development. Heintz, Julia Mason, Linda McCrorey and MarkWe have led the Escaping Violence Paymentpro bono to Uniting. It is an evidence-based As the rising cost of living continues to impactRearick, and welcome to new members Sarahprogram, a two-year nationwide trial whichdevelopment program, designed to enhance our communities, people who were alreadySlattery, Joel Townsend and Prof. Meg Morris. supported almost 60,000 people to leave intimateleader effectiveness and embed consistent and struggling with low incomes are now forced toFinally, I want to thank all our employees andpartner violence. This success was recognisedcontemporary practice.navigate an increasingly precarious housing andvolunteers. Despite these uncertain times, youwhen the Federal Government announced $925Finally, a big thank you to our staff and rental market. We are seeing increasing numberscontinue to respond with compassion, sensitivitymillion over five years for a permanent Leavingvolunteers for confronting injustice and fighting of young people, families and older women inand unwavering resolve to support those whoViolence Program from July 2025.for those in needyour hard work and dedication insecure, unsafe housing or having to sleep onseek our help. We see the impact on people's lives of thecontinues to inspire us.the streets or in cars. Our role in helping providecurrent fundamentally prohibitionist drug people with access to safe, secure and affordablelaws and the associated stigma and harm housing has never been more important. caused. Which is why we warmly welcomed Were particularly proud of our 44-unitJude Munro AOour partnership with the Synod of Victoria and development at Templeton Street Wangaratta,Board Chair, Uniting Vic.Tas, Uniting HousingTasmania to advocate to re-orient Victorias which is nearing completion, and our 73-unitVictoria and Uniting Housing Australia drug policy to adopt a health-based approach,Bronwyn Pike development on the St Andrews Uniting Churchgreater funding for harm reduction strategiesChief Executive Officer, site in Bendigo that we expect to complete inOur leadershipand decriminalisation of the possession andUniting Group 2026. The support weve received from the localpersonal use of small amounts of illicit drugs. congregations with these projects demonstratesThis resolution demonstrates the ChurchsOur leadership how much we can achieve by working together. ongoing commitment to socially just approaches Its with great pride that we again received ato supporting people facing vulnerability and prestigious Gold Service Award in the 2024builds on Unitings long history of advocacy inHealth and Wellbeing Equality Index. Thisthis space.national benchmark recognises our ongoingOur Early Learning division has continued to commitment to being an inclusive place forexpand with the addition of 18 new kindergartens LGBTIQA+ consumers, staff and volunteers.and outside school hours care services. Our Op Thank you to CEO Bronwyn Pike and theShops division also saw growth with the opening senior leadership team for their vision andof new stores in metropolitan Melbourne and determination towards confronting injusticeregional Victoria, including a new warehouseand supporting the most vulnerable in ourhub in Brunswick.community during these challenging times.4 Uniting Vic.Tas and Uniting Housing Annual Report"