b'Food For Families.When Uniting Early Learning Educator, Louise, introduced the Food For Families program to her students at Buninyong Uniting Kindergarten, she never knew how widely popular it would become among their families.Last year it started out just something myIt helped them become more aware of these group was doing because it fitted in withissues in the community. For some of the discussions that wed had, said Uniting children it was a shock that there are peopleEarly Learning Educator, Louise. who dont have a home or cant afford to eat.It was so popular we decided it was somethingWe welcome all individuals, families, workplaces, we wanted to add to our program every year. schools, community groups and congregations Louise recalls one particular event which causedto register and ensure people facing crisis inquite a stir in her class. your area can access the basics they need toget through a difficult time.One of the children once brought in a tin of baked beans. He showed them off to the class and started laughing, she said. Christmas Appeal update.He said to all the children, you know aboutWe are so grateful for all our amazing baked beans? Beans, beans, the magical fruit,supporters who dug deep and gave a gift the more you eat the more you toot. of hope to those in need at Christmas.So, ever since then every child would bring in aThe generosity of our supporters is the can of baked beans and a couple of other items. reason we were able to assist many families Louise says the program has been a great way facing crisis and struggling through tough to teach her students about compassion. times over the holiday period.We had lots of intentional discussions aboutRaeleen, Family Services team member people that are in need, she said. reflects on the generosity of supporters and what it means to those on the ground running these services, and for those that access them.Get Donations and fundraising helps familiesinvolved. to provide and maintain that consistency and stability and allow them sometimesVisit our new website and register yourto forget about where they are in the cycle, collection now to help us stock our emergencyshe said.relief pantries in preparation for Winter.Without donations and funding we could T1800 668 426not give these families any semblance of [email protected] what would be a normal life. Being able to make them feel like they belong in our foodforfamilies.org.au community is so important.6 Supporter Newsletter Autumn 2024'