b'Davids legacy lives on.Living to the impressive age of 96, David enjoyeda rich and full life. David served in the Second World War, livedDavid had the good fortune to have enjoyedthrough the Great Depression, experiencedand shared the love of his beloved wife, Betty,incredible developments in technology andfor over 60 years. They both shared a love of survived more than one pandemic. giving and were proud and generous supporters He spent most of his working life in the familysof Uniting.jewelry business, enjoyed a good game of golfDavid has lived a wonderful life and contributed and was a gifted oil painter. greatly to the lives of many, both through his He has been a strong presence and father toconsistent donations and bequest in his Will.his two sons, Peter and Gary, Pa to his sevenWere thankful for David, who believed in the grandchildren and five great grandchildren. values and mission of Uniting. He has left a memorable legacy.New face at Uniting.Sharon Wangman recently joined Unitings Gift in Will program. Sharon has worked for many respected charities in Victoria over the past 18 years and brings a wealth of knowledge on legacy giving and estate management.Sharon tells us, l have a passion for connectingIf you are considering including Uniting in your people with their personal values to the cause(s)Will, or perhaps you have already done so, then they respect and care about. please reach out to Sharon on 0435 035 442 for From the first conversation to your final word,a caring conversation or get in contact via email Sharon will ensure your wishes are fulfilled [email protected] and care. Writing a Will is a veryGiving a little, will mean a lot to those who need personal process and a time to reflect on whatit most. What legacy will you leave?matters most to you and your family. Supporter Newsletter Autumn 2024 9'