b'Our work with communitiesWe act to have impact in local communities across Victoria and Tasmania. We touch the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), newly arrived, LGBTIQ+ communities and more.Building stronger communities Wimmera Wellbeing Centre We work alongside communities to overcomefosters community spirit social isolation and marginalisation and improveOur team in Wimmera celebrated the opening engagement, opportunities and outlook on life. of a Wellbeing Centre in Horsham in February 2020. As well as the important work being done LGBTIQ+ Inclusionto support families experiencing family violence, the Centre provides a range of group programs Action Plan to support mental wellbeing and connection At Uniting, we have a vision to inspire people,within the local community.enliven communities and confront injustice. OurMulti-purpose areas include group rooms with commitment to this vision includes standing withcasual seating options, formal training areas, a those in the LGBTIQ+ community who experiencecommercial kitchen and laundry facilities. Cosy ongoing discrimination and marginalisation.counselling and therapeutic spaces sit alongside Development of the first Uniting LGBTIQ+ Inclusioncreative studios for mess and fun. Action Plan began in early 2020. Through this work,CE This story reflects our commitment to inclusive, Uniting will be recognised as a safe and welcomingjust, thriving and connected communities enabled.environment for all. Our vision sees community, consumers and the workforce knowing that they are free from discrimination based on sexuality, sex or gender. We are building on the work of our founding agencies in creating culturally safe and inclusive services. The plan also sets out the compelling evidence base for inclusive practice. Our consumers, carers, volunteers and employees provided their view of how we are performing at the moment. Across Victoria and Tasmania, they entered into conversation and reflection during the consultation period. They shared their vision for a faith-based organisation committed to providing non-discriminatory services. They undertook to listen and learn deeply about the LGBTIQ+ experience. Their vision is an organisation that not only offers welcoming services, but also stands up boldly for the rights of LGBTIQ+ consumers, carers, employees and volunteers. 28 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual report 2019-2020'