b'Our peopleOur greatest strength is our people. Every day our employees and volunteers support people to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. In 2020, the bushfires and COVID-19 pandemicEmployee breakdown:greatly increased service demand. But at the sameAged and Carer Services: 158time, these events made it harder for us to reachAlcohol and Other Drugs: 185people in need, particularly during government-enforced restrictions. Despite these challenges,Business and Social Enterprise: 52our employees and volunteers persevered. In trueChild, Youth and Families: 891Uniting spirit, they innovated, coming up with new ways to help people through trying times with theCommunity Wellbeing and Capacity Building: 198compassion and respect they are known for.Disability: 538We belong to a unique team of hard working andEarly Learning: 1138dedicated professionals who operate with a strong sense of justice, and a commitment to those weHomelessness and Housing: 235walk alongside. Mental Health: 172Support Services: 219Total: 3786Volunteer breakdown:Aged and Carer Services: 4863,786 Alcohol and Other Drugs: 1Business and Social Enterprises: 502Child, Youth and Families: 411Employees Community Wellbeing and Capacity Building: 707Volunteers Disability: 302,463 Early Learning: 9Housing and Homelessness: 1Mental Health: 295Support services: 21Total: 246342 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2019-2020'