b'CEOs ReportOur commitment to supporting people and communities across Victoria and Tasmania is as strong as ever.And that support is more important now Our team in Wimmera celebrated the opening than it has ever been.of a Wellbeing Centre in Horsham for children, 2020 has been one of the most challengingyoung people and families to take part in group years our country has faced. It started withprograms that improve their mental wellbeing and the devastating bushfires. Then the COVID-19connections in the community. pandemic hit. Growing numbers of people areAnd we officially took part in the Midsumma facing crisis, many for the first time in their lives.Pride March for the first time a proud day The breadth of our expertise has helped usfor our organisation as more than 80 of support those who are going through tough timesour employees, volunteers, consumers and due to these recent disasters, and those who weresupporters joined thousands of others in a already struggling with limited resources to cope.celebration of love and diversity. Our teams across Victoria and Tasmania haveYou can read about these achievements and many quickly adapted to find innovative and safe ways more in this report. to help people through these trying times. The next few years will be challenging as weOur community meals programs in Prahran,recover from the economic, social and Ballarat and Hobart were forced to shut theirpsychological impacts caused by the life-dining rooms at the start of the pandemic. Butchanging events of 2020.they have continued to provide hot, nutritiousThere is going to be even greater need for the takeaway meals for their communities.services we deliver, and we will continue to be Our aged care and early learning teams havethere for those who need us, every step of the way. found creative ways to ensure the children, families and older people who couldnt physically get together during COVID-19 restrictions maintained a strong connectionand sense of belonging.In the face of adversity, we have had many Bronwyn Pike reasons to celebrate during the year.Chief Executive OfficerWe started construction on a new crisis accommodation facility in Melbournes east, designed to support older women at risk of homelessness. Our partnership with Mountview Uniting Church, Community Housing Ltd, Oak Building Group and the Department of Health and Human Services will see a new 8-unit facility open so women can take control of their lives and transition into safe and long-term housing.'