b'Consumers speak outThe link between mental health and alcohol and other drugs.Uniting made a submission to the RoyalOther Drug (AOD) services at both a policy Commission into Victorias Mental Healthand service-delivery level. This issue raised System in July 2019. The submission reflectsinterest with the Commission, and we have the experiences consumers shared with us insince had the opportunity to provide additional consultations at the 101 Engagement Hub,information. We have presented a care model Voices Vic and The Haven. We put forwarddesigned by our AOD team and insights from the case for more consumer involvement4 consumer experiencing co-occurring mental in program design, more peer workers, andhealth and AOD issues.greater integration of mental health servicesIC This work reflects our commitment to into other areas of community services thatinjustice confronted and public policy regularly work with people impacted byinfluenced.mental illness. Please note, the photo accompanying this story is for illustrative In particular, our submission noted the missingpurposes only. It is not a photo of a Uniting consumer.link between mental health and Alcohol and'