b'Chairs Report Uniting Vic.Tas has a proud history of standing up for vulnerable and marginalised people and communities, coupled with a bold and exciting vision for the future of community services.We are now well into our inaugural Strategic Plan,positive outcomes for our consumers. I would like which sets out how we bring our purpose to life -to thank our CEO Bronwyn Pike for her leadership one organisation working to inspire people, enlivenin Unitings advocacy.communities and confront injustice. Our ambitionI am proud of our employees, volunteers and is framed by two key objectives: to change livessupporters and would like to thank each of you for and communities, and to change how we work. the incredible work you have done and continue We aspire to ensure vulnerable people haveto do to support our consumers. The work was safe and secure housing, and to offer place- considerable even before the events of 2020. The based services to them, right across Victoria andchallenge has become even greater now and into Tasmania, so that each person can reach their fullthe foreseeable future. potential. This is the focus of our housing strategy,Thank you to former Board Chair Bronwyn Pike, Making Housing a Priority, in partnership withInterim Board Chair, Rev Allan Thompson and Uniting Housing. former CEO Paul Linossier for building a strong Only by bringing together the expertise offoundation that will serve us well into the future. our employees and the lived experience ofI would like to thank the board directors of Uniting our consumers can we make a real impact onVic.Tas, particularly acknowledging retiring board peoples lives. We continue to build our consumerdirectors, John Preston and Peter Prasser for their partnerships, so our work truly reflects the needsyears of commitment to Uniting. of those who use our programs and services. We bring a consistent approach to the governanceIt is through working together, alongside our of partnership activities to ensure safety andconsumers, we can enrich the whole community.wellbeing. At a personal level, I am proud of our work on the Uniting LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Action Plan, which started in early 2020. This plan will ensure weJude Munro AO become a safe and welcoming environment forBoard Chairall. We want the consumers and communities we work alongside, and our workforce to know that they are free from discrimination based on sexuality, gender or identity.We are bold in advocating for change to government policies that are not in the best interests of those we work alongside. We developed 13 submissions to government inquiries in 2019/20, which helped to shape a number of 4 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2019-2020'