b'Safe haven for older womenThis is the story of nearly20 years of hoping, dreaming and planning. - Rev ByrneIn November 2019, construction began onPart of the CHAnge Mountview House in Melbournes East. The crisis accommodation facility has been set upAt-risk young people are getting their lives back on especially for older women escaping familytrack thanks to the CHAnge program in Ballarat. violence and facing homelessness. It hasCHAnge stands for Central Highlands Area nurture, become a reality through our partnership withgrow, engage.Mountview Uniting Church, Community HousingCHAnge provides stable housing for 16 to Ltd, Oak Building Group and the Department of23-year-olds at risk of homelessness. Support Health and Human Services. from dedicated youth workers is helping themThe numbers of women over 55 years oflive independently, return to education or find age requiring homelessness support arestable jobs.underestimated and under-reported, Uniting Vic. Were backing Ballarat youths and helping them Tas CEO, Bronwyn Pike says.turn their lives around by making sure they have The new facility marks the first step towardsthe safety and security of a roof over their head, addressing these needs and supporting womencommented Minister for Housing, Richard Wynne to find safe and secure accommodation to regainwhile visiting the project in December 2019.control in their lives. PS This story reflects our commitmentThe congregation of the Mountview Unitingto impactful and mutually beneficial Church are the driving force behind the project.partnerships supported.Their generous donation of the land for the 8 units fulfils a long-held vision to give back to(Left to right) Rev Brendan Byrneformer Mountview Uniting Church Minister, Bronwyn PikeUniting CEO, Steve Bevingtontheir community. Managing Director, CHL, Dustin Halse MPMember for Ringwood.This is the story of nearly 20 years of hoping, dreaming and planning, says Rev Brendan Byrne, former Mountview Uniting Church Minister.He praised the congregation for using their material resources not for their own benefit or gain, but in service to Gods universal love for human-kind.Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2019-2020 33'