b'Feeding familiesIts an opportunity to give back at a time of giving.Eileen Donations for the Food For Families campaignsporting organisations and work colleagues. help people who are experiencing foodShe volunteers to drop off boxes and collects insecurity put healthy meals on their tableathem once they are filled, to make participating cause that is especially important at Christmasas easy as possible for people. Everyone wants time. The success of Food For Families wouldto do something to give back at Christmas, but not be possible without the passion andits such a busy time, Eileen says.dedication of our volunteers.But being busy doesnt hold back Eileen. She Enter Eileen, a social worker and mum of 3 whodoes all of this while taking care of 3 children, has been volunteering with Uniting for the lastholding down 2 part-time jobs, and caring for 7 years. Eileen was the face of our 2019 driveher mother. Thankfully, she does enlist the and is an enthusiastic supporter of the initiative.help of her children, who sort, pack and deliver Food For Families is an easy way people canfood to Unitings Ringwood Emergency Relief help others in need, Eileen says. I say toCentre.people, just do your normal shopping and get aI want to teach my children that Christmas few extra items to donate. can be very materialistic, but it should be about Eileen collected more than 20 boxes in 2019,giving back to your community. a tally that has grown year-on-year thanks toEileen and her children support Food For Families each year.donations from family, friends, local schools,'